Michael Gansl and Chad Eaves Discuss Creating Wow in Your Business with Marc Schwartzberg


OFH CEO Marc Schwartzberg recently had the pleasure of participating in a podcast with Michael Gansl (of Voice of Reason Consulting) and Chad Eaves about how to create a 'Wow' in your business. In this insightful conversation, Marc talks with Michael and Chad about the significance of prioritizing customer experience at OFH.

As a company that receives a lot of repeat business and word of mouth referrals, Marc believes that personal interaction and anticipating customers' needs are key to success in a competitive industry. That is why OFH's primary focus is providing exceptional customer service and building a positive business reputation. Although mistakes sometimes happen throughout the process, anticipating a customer’s needs and providing exceptional service at every step will create the “Wow” experience that will leave a positive and lasting impression.


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