Office Phone Booths are Helping Offices Stay Focused, Happy + Noise-Free

If you work in New York City, chances are, you’ve been inside a noisy office. Phones ringing off the hook, sirens wailing outside, and with five different in-office conversations competing for volume. Imagine if it were possible to escape it all—without ever leaving your office. Office phone booths (often referred to as office pods) are sound proof booths that are designed for comfort and silence.

Like Clark Kent, you can quickly step into the privacy of a phone booth, make a private call and get your most important work done. No, an office phone booth will not give you superpowers, but it will help you concentrate on your next big project and provide a quiet, private place to concentrate. In open common areas, where space is valuable and prized, office phone booths provide the necessary sanctuary away from all noises and distractions.

As more businesses opt for open offices to save space and reduce costs, office phone booths can help resolve some of the difficulties that arise working in close quarters. Areas designated for both collaboration and privacy help boost productivity and happiness. From climate-controlled booths to meeting room, there are different options available to fit every need. Office phone booths are modular and flexible, so when your company grows, your office phone booth can move with you to your next space. In response to popular demand, we put together our list of some of the best options available.


With sleek contours like an iPhone and vibrant color options, there is a reason why Jabbrrbox remains one of the most popular office phone booths on the market. Its simple visual design holds a powerhouse of function. Basic features include access control, motion sensors, USB charging ports, power, WIFI/MIFI and a smoke detector. You can enjoy cool add-on features like video calling, speakers and Bluetooth. Each booth has a luxurious powder coated metal shell, and a 100% wool interior for extra sound-proofing and softness.


The leading office phone booth for International offices, Framery has centered its brand promise around office happiness. Their booths come in three different sizes, accommodating groups of 1, 2, and 4-6. Framery spent years developing a lighting and air ventilation system, to ensure that even if the air conditioner is broken in your office, you can remain comfortable and cool in your booth. Framery prides itself in the details. Booths feature numerous candy color options, power outlets, adjustable tables and stools, and even options for lounge furniture. Their “NapQ” features a nap table for sleep, which can be repositioned into a two-person meeting room.


From single office phone booths to a luxury rotund napping pod, aptly called “La Boîte à Réves” (or Box of Dreams), SBS seeks to solve every noise-related problem in your office, with a designer’s touch that will keep it beautiful. SBS booths can be modified with a seat or standing cushion, and its external wooden shell features different textured wood patterns, or painted matt or gloss lacquers. With integrated screens and interior electrical, you can video-conference a client on the other side of the world, in perfect uninterrupted silence.


Working from the slogan “Build Smarter,” Emagispace offers single-person office phone booths that return to the basics. With a soundproofed interior that fits a chair and tabletop, you can complete the final lines of your opus without interference. Unique features include customizable exterior graphics, and a back-panel window that lets in natural light. A dimmable light switch ensures an adjustable and comfortable light source at all times.


Truly a box right out of the future, SmartBlock is not quite an ‘office phone booth,’ as much as it is a high-powered meeting and collaborative station. Glass doors open to a tabletop, two ergonomic sofas, and a mounted HD Screen, with retractable HDMI and audio cables. Controlled air flow and acoustical wall panels keep the interior quiet and comfortable. LED lights are adjustable by color temperature and dimness, with directional flush-mounted speakers in the ceiling. You can even ask for a vinyl wrap to place on the glass for extra exclusivity and privacy.

What We Offer

Offices today require a lot of thoughtful planning. As offices in cities move towards greater space efficiency, more consideration must be made to account for noise management and comfort. Office phone booths are an excellent way to section out quiet zones in the office, while leaving wide areas open for collaboration.

At OFH, our team excels in delivering beautiful custom office solutions for our clients. We love providing our customers with a high level of personal care and service. We work with you to create an office where your team will thrive.



Kendall Freedman on July 25 2023 at 08:07PM:

We are looking to purchase and install 3-4 perferrably used phone booths but open to new. We are located a 1 World Trade Center in NYC. Looking forward to hearing back.

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